Our Feature in Life & Land Magazine

We’re thrilled to announce that Chiasson Smoke has been featured in the latest edition of Life & Land magazine! This was an unexpected surprise, and we’re grateful for the opportunity to demonstrate quality craftsmanship and spread the word about the great benefits of rocket stoves.

About the Magazine

"Life & Land" is a well-respected magazine that caters to outdoor enthusiasts, covering topics such as hunting, fishing, farming, and ranching. Founded by Kelly Reeves, the magazine aims to provide readers with engaging and informative content that reflects a deep love for the outdoors.

Kelly's passion for traditional outdoor activities and his commitment to producing a high-quality print magazine have made "Life & Land" a favorite among readers who appreciate the feel of a physical magazine.

The Article

The article titled "The Rocket Stove – Low-Tech, High Performance" by Kelly Reeves explores the practicality and efficiency of rocket stoves, a popular topic among campers, preppers, homesteaders, and outdoor enthusiasts. The piece highlights the benefits of using a rocket stove, such as its ability to function with minimal fuel and produce virtually no smoke. Kelly shares his personal experience with rocket stoves, providing detailed accounts of his experiments with different models and the insights he gained from them.

We’re proud to say that we turned Kelly from a skeptic into a believer!

The three-page article manages to cover a range of topics, including…

  • The economical and ecological advantages of using rocket stoves.

  • A comparison between lightweight and more substantial models.

  • Personal anecdotes about cooking various meals, from boiling water to frying fish and making gumbo.

Skippy’s Take
“ Wow, featured in a magazine! Does this mean I’m famous now? Should I start signing autographs on hot dogs? ”

Go Check It Out!

We’d like to extend our thanks to Kelly Reeves, the owner and editor of "Life & Land," for this opportunity. Kelly's dedication to preserving traditional outdoor activities and his commitment to producing a high-quality print magazine are inspiring.

We invite you all to check out the latest edition of "Life & Land" magazine and read the full article on the rocket stove. You can check out the article in blog post form, or order a physical copy of the magazine on the website. You can also checkout the digital version of the latest magazine issue right on the website as well.

Your support for "Life & Land" not only helps sustain a wonderful publication, but also encourages the continuation of valuable content for outdoor enthusiasts.

I hope you enjoy reading the article as much as we enjoyed being part of it.

And don’t forget— if you wanna give your own rocket stove a try, we have plenty of rocket stoves you can try out yourself.

Rocket Stove Model 1612
Sale Price:$259.95 Original Price:$285.95
The Bulldog - 6 inch Rocket Stove
Sale Price:$425.95 Original Price:$495.95

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