Frequently asked questions.

Damage / Return Policy

Due to the customization of our products, items cannot be returned to us for a refund. If you receive an item that is incorrect or you believe you may be missing part of your order, you must notify us within three business days of receipt as shown on your tracking information.  See more here.

What shipping services do you use?

We ship our products through two shipping providers, UPS and USPS.

Depending on your location in the United States, your package can take anywhere from 2-7 days to arrive once the label has been created. When your order ships, we e-mail you tracking information so that you can keep a close on eye on where your order is!

How long does it take to ship an order?

The general turnaround time for most products is 1-3 weeks. The reason for this amount of time is that each item is unique and customized. We cannot produce your item until we receive your order, so we have to build the items as they are ordered!

(Turnaround times can fluctuate depending on popular ordering seasons, number of orders being produced)

My tracking shows delivered but I did not receive my order.

You will need to contact the local Post Office or UPS with your tracking number to file a missing mail claim.

Do I need to create a new customer account?

You can create a new customer account for the new website. If you use the same email that your previous orders were placed under, they will link to your account once everything has been transferred over.

However, you do not have to create an account if you do not wish to. You can check out as a guest.

How much is the shipping cost?

We ship any of our listed online products anywhere in the lower 48 for free. We ship Rocket Stoves and Attachments to Canada with additional shipping charges that are calculated at checkout.

USD only.

Can you create a custom design for me?

Sometimes! It depends on exactly what you are needing, but we request that you contact our team by filling out our custom request form here.

Still can't find the answer? Contact us here.

Still can't find the answer to your question? One of our friendly staff will be glad to assist you!

Click here to send an email.